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good choices MYPAK.
i have not seen black and white lollywood movies. i will some day! but right now i still want to get used to current actors/actresses!
i heard about the industry shutting down when Sultan Rahi died. they also shut down/went on strike when shaan was beaten up recently! they only strike/shut down for BIG, RESPECTED names like Rahi and Shaan!
the book on saima is not out yet, i don't think. i hope its in english so i can read it too! lol.
and from what i've read, shaan is the highest paid actor guessed it...saima is the highest paid actress at 6 Lack Rs. per movie. no one makes more! i heard that zara sheikh recently tried to get 10 lacks Rs. per movie and the director/producers started laughing at her. LOL, LOL, LOL!! who does she think she is, asking for 10 lacks after one hit movie?!?!?!!! LOL. you have to WORK your way up, and then you can make more that the QUEEN!! what do you think MYPAK?!
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PERFECTLY STATED!! THANK YOU REEMA GEE!!! i would have thought based on your name, that you would be against saima! lol. but it looks like you have some taset when it comes to lollywood actresses as well! Join the club!
as for not liking lollywood movies...i regret it. now i know what i was missing out on! rest assure, i watch lollywod movies EXCLUSIVELY now!
i saw "mendhi wale hath" and i agree totally that saima was amazing in that. didn't she win the award for best actress for that movie?!
i will be seeing "Uff Yeh Bewian" based on your recommendation! i'm sure i'll enjoy it though, cause my philosophy is: if saima is in it...i'll like it!!
and finally....your point abt madhuri not being so fit is also 100% right! this is what i've been lamenting for almost 2 months now on this board!! nobody in india makes fun of her age and weight, so why should we pakistani's make fun of saima's??? she's the best we have (in my opinion)!
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i agree that shaan/saima are the new sultan rahi/anjuman. its unfortunate that sultan rahi died.
i too prefer punjabi movies. they stand out more and the acting is more real. the words used and actions are more real. urdu films might have better stories for some, but the acting is too similar, atleast in my opinion. plus punjabi movie jokes are funnier too!
my cousin is indeed a lollywood fan and i'm greatful he took me to watch jatt da wair!
how about u? if you had to pick ONE favorite actress/actor in pakistan, who would u select?! be honest...!!
as 4 the saima biograghy...i'm not joking! lol. this was the article i read:
"Pakistani journalist A. R. Gul is writing a lengthy book on Saima, the top heroine of Lollywood, with some rare photographs and a glamourous photo session. It will contain all the statistics of her film career, as well as insights into her childhood.
Gul is the writer of a book on the evolution of regional cinema in Pakistan, which was applauded for its comprehensive nature. With a career spanning some 15 years, Saima has proved herself a versatile artiste. She is the heroine of the biggest earner of the Pakistani film industry, Chooriyan, which made small businessmen billionaires.
Meanwhile, film director Syed Noor has appealed to Gul to refrain from writing about her scandals and controversies, to do justice to her current status as the Queen of Lollywood."
keep your eyes open!! i know i will! this book will be interesting!!
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haanji MYPAK sahib! menu vee punjabi aandee-ae! my parents and family is from lahore, so it comes naturally to me!
i had heard of lollywood for a long time. i only heard of 4 actors/actresses though but i had never seen ANY of them. they were sultan rahee, reema, shaan and saima. but i had no interest in any of them or their movies. then this past year i went to pakistan and my cousins forced me to go to a cinema and watch a punjabi movie starring who else but shaan and saima. the movies name was JATT DA WAIR...and let me tell u MYPAK...i was INSTATLY a lollywood fan. lol. the movie was nothing special at all, and the music was also average. but saima was amazing and shaan was too and this was enough for me to become a fan.
then i came back home to canada and the first thing i did was rent 3 punjabi movies: chooriyan, nikki jaee haan, and mendhi wale hath. and the rest is history....saima was BRILLIANT in every single one, and i have been her fan ever since.
so slowly i'am beginning to get familiar with every other actor/actress. i have seen zara sheikh, sara chaudry, nirma, reema, meera...everyone...but in cmoparison to me, they don't stand a chance next to her, both in looks and acting ability.
as for the magazine interviews...where can i find these?? which magazines?!?! i heard some writer in pakistan is writing a book on the life of saima...a biograpghy if u will! i can't wait to read that...
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good point mr. nice guy. adnan sami is not the only one being hunted by bollywood...they also have made pitches for humaira arshad and other pakistani singers. only difference is, they're staying put in good old pakistan! good for them!
and u 2 reema gee - good point. he is a Pakistani first, but he comes off as being a sell-out. who knows though...
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she does?? from what i read, she NEVER goes to any award shows, and she RARELY gives interviews. i have NEVER seen an interview with her. have you?! what did she talk about?
i have however read an article in which she answered 5-6 questions. but this was all the way back in 2000, while she was filming mendhi wale hath. other than that, i have not heard/seen interviews with her.
Age: 125
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yeah i heard about salakein...but all these movies are taking so long. what movies r playing in cinema's in pakistan as we speak?! i don't hear of too many...
as for saima/shaan being replacements for anjuman/sultan rahee...u're right. they had to choose appropriate replacements for such big names, so who better than shaan/saima?!!!
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saima was not on dream saturday. actually she rarely if ever does any interviews. she acts, and goes straight home! no interviews, no award shows, no showing off, nothing! she's straightforward and very casual! i would give anything to see a recent interview with lady saima. but unfortunately she never does any! [:(!] she's not a show-off like SOME. lol. thats another reason i like her.
reema however WAS on dream saturday, this past saturday! she discussed her new movie which she is directing. the story is based on some chineese folk story or something along those lines, so it will be a new change for lollywood.
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sorry but i think you're wrong tracker sahib. hogan is VERY much like saima in the sense that he has left a HUGE mark on wrestling, specifically the wwf. you're right...the 80's and early 90's was dominated by hogan. not as much anymore, but he still can draw. saima is the same for film industry, and lollywood specifically! she has left her mark (chooriyan, mehndi wale hath, nikki jaee haan, daku rani etc.) and continues to do so, just like hogan! they're similar like that.
but you ARE right that hogan is in his own leauge, while saima is in her own. different category's but each is at the top of their's respectively!
anyhow tracker sahib, do u know of any new movies coming out for lollywood?? ANYTHING?? i have not heard of ONE movie punjabi or urdu. whats wrong?!
Age: 125
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good points MYPAK. mr. nice guy should watch soem saima movies first (if he hasnt already)! daki rani is a good start...saima acts outstandingly in that one. reema's cool too. did u hear about the novie she's making?! she was on "Dream saturday" and spoke about it. sounds good...
as 4 my DYNAMIC DUO(SHAN /SAIMA) collection....i have not gotten it yet. i'll get them soon tho. most likely end of july! i can't wait...
and tracker sahib...they KNOW they're the best already! lol. they dont need us 2 tell them.
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teentracker, i have figured out the best possible way to explain my point of view regarding saima and the rest of these two-bit actresses. its like i said...there is no comparison: saima is the equivilent of lollywood's HULK HOGAN: a bigger name, a known/marketable face, older but can still draw people, continues to out-act everyone, and hell...even physically bigger than the rest...just like hulk hogan!!! lol.
zara....she's like the rock. and so are the rest of these actresses in the new generation-they're all equivilent to the rock. but u know something tracker sahib...chai jitnay bhee rock's khatay karlo...jitnay hhh, brock lesnar, steve austin's...there will always be only ONE HULK HOGAN!!! the rest are good in their own regard, but no one can be equal to the man! same with zara and co. they're cool in their own regard....but NO ONE comes close to saima!!!
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ustaad jee, the topic reads: ONLY for zara sheikh fans. i'am NOT a zara sheikh fan - I'm a saima fan, so i don't want to read/comment on it. lol. (j/k).
i already saw the pics/read the post....what can i say?!?!?! ORDINARY-NESS! nothing jumps at you. she looks good, no doubt...very good actually! but no comparison to saima. sorry. nothing has changed in my opinion. lol.
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mr. nice guy, LARKI PUNJABAN august 14th pe release ho rahee hai. other than this movie i have not heard of any new one coming any time soon...
and mr. bunda r u being sarcastic?!?? because if u it just me or is EVERYONE basing too much on looks these days?! lol. out of curiosity does anyone watch movies and pay attention to ACTING???? lol. movies contain acting too u know. and saima is the best at that - bar none.
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saima is old enough to me our mom, so marrying her no matter how she looks, is out of the question, unless u want to get her arrested. lol. the other ones r good backup options. lol.
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lol. sorry ustaad jee. my standards r realistic! i'm not like everyone else, where in order to be skinny, your waistline has to be under 10 inches. lol. saima is not fat in that picture. she looks perfectly fine. not as good as she can look, but just fine, atleast in my opinion. sorry 2 disapoint but its tru.
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very tru.
as 4 u know he didn't even remember the canadian PM's name?!?!!! thats like musharraf not knowing what vajpai's name is. lol. CANADA is the U.S's neighbour, and that retard does not even know the PM's name. now THATS stupid. LOL.
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in regards to tracker sahib's message/request....NEVER!!!!! lol. u expect me to even compare the two pictures?!?!!!! saima is not fat!! sorry.
and MYPAK....the entertainment feild is not for me. lol. sorry 2 disapoint you! who knows though...some day if i happend to bump into sayed noor, javaied sheikh, shaan or even saima, we might plan something. i might give them an idea or 2. LOL. i'll keep u posted. lol. but 4 now...i don't plan on coming in any movies in any capacity. lol.
Age: 125
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in regards to tracker sahib's message/request....NEVER!!!!! lol. u expect me to even compare the two pictures?!?!!!! saima is not fat!! sorry.
and MYPAK....the entertainment feild is not for me. lol. sorry 2 disapoint you! who knows though...some day if i happend to bump into sayed noor, javaied sheikh, shaan or even saima, we might plan something. i might give them an idea or 2. LOL. i'll keep u posted. lol. but 4 now...i don't plan on coming in any movies in any capacity. lol.
Age: 125
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EXCELLENTLY PUT YDAKH!!!!! I could not have said it better myself.
bollywood's stories are taken from hollywood, and their music...from pakistani artists.
one such name...nusrat fateh ali khan. the following songs have been ripped off of nusrat by bollywood:
-meri zindagi tera pyar (with noor jehan) -yaar yaar kehna -Allah hoo -Judaai avay naa -sanu ik pal chain -must qalander -joolay lal -piya ghar aya -loay loay aja mahi -mera dhol mahi ganj-e-shakar ...and MANY MANY more of nusrat alone. the above ones are the ones i remember off by heart.
then there's other artists who have been copied as well. bottom line...pakistani films might be having troubles, but india is also repeating the same stories over and over again. if they didn't know how to copy music from us, maybe they would be down and almost out, just like lollywood!! the ONLY difference between the two is, india can spend more $$$ to promote their work. thats all. if we had money...we could make KICK ASS movies. we already can make outstanding music...the money would go 2wards the promotion and production of the actual movie! just my opinion people......
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shahzad....jinaab, first of all welcome to the board!'ve probably made my buddy teentracker's day by manking those comments on the lovely saima. he, like u, see's her as being fat, from some odd reason. lol.
me though......yaar mere leeya, saima is the best, regardless of her weight. i'll tell u what i've told everyone kehna hai uskay baray mein, kaylo....aap sub apnee energy hee zaya kar rehein hain!!! she is STILL the reigning queen of lollywood! fat, ugly, old, she may be (to you guys) but she still holds the title that eludes ALL lollywood actresses...undisputed QUEEN of the industry!!!! lol.
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lol, lol, lol!!!
common MYPAK!! i'm not worthy to star next to saima! i'll leave the movie-making to the professionals, namely the REAL dynamic duo: shaan and saima!! lol.
as 4 YDAH...i have no idea if its out on vcd. the way i see it, indian movies and even pakistani movies come onto dvd/vcd/movie within 2-3 months max. its been 1 year since YDAH has been out, so hopefully its available on VCD!
and tracker sahib's favorite actress is a 15 year old named sara chaudry!! lol, J/K!!! [;)]
Age: 125
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lol, lol, lol!!!
common MYPAK!! i'm not worthy to star next to saima! i'll leave the movie-making to the professionals, namely the REAL dynamic duo: shaan and saima!! lol.
as 4 YDAH...i have no idea if its out on vcd. the way i see it, indian movies and even pakistani movies come onto dvd/vcd/movie within 2-3 months max. its been 1 year since YDAH has been out, so hopefully its available on VCD!
and tracker sahib's favorite actress is a 15 year old named sara chaudry!! lol, J/K!!! [;)]